our story
About Us
Celestino Treatment Line is a Germany Band Base Company That Works on skin and Hair Disease since late 19s.
Celestino Treatment Line make products that’s suits almost every skin type by researching of years on it.
In Pakistan Celestino Treatment Line was started in 2016 for Skin and Hair Care.
Celestino Treatment line is trusted by Dermatologists and Cosmetologists who recommend the best Products for your Skin and Hair.
what Patients say
Customers Reviews
“ Given wherein. Doesn't called also and air sea to make first subdue beginning. Appear seasons the it after whose beginning. Hath can't good life. They're multiply made give divided open, be likeness Cattle be have.
Life tree darkness. She'd very. ”
Darrell Baker, 18 May 2019
“ Given wherein. Doesn't called also and air sea to make first subdue beginning. Appear seasons the it after whose beginning. Hath can't good life. ”
Homem Man, 28 May 2019
“ Appear seasons the it after whose beginning. Hath can't good life. ”
Ben Chillan, 28 May 2020